Voltar | Drivit

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carlos@drivit.com https://www.drivit.com/

Sede: Av. António Augusto de Aguiar nº24 1ºE, 1050-016 Lisboa

Tecnologia ,

Drivit is a mobile platform that helps drivers to tackle everyday burdens while rising their awareness to spending and driving safety issues.

With Drivit on your pocket, you can automatically record your car trips, get an estimate of your costs and how safe your driving is, see how much you’re spending through time and per type of trip, and check where you can find the closest/cheapest pump to refill your car.
We envision friendlier cars that could help us much more than they do today, not only for drivers with new cars but for every driver out there. That is why we constantly work with our users to bring to life relevant and seamless features that can bring this vision closer to reality.

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